Celebrate our Fifth International Stretto Piano Festival with us with more great music, artists, and events in 2025!

NEWS about PIPPA 2025, another game-changer that is enhancing our work as a global stretto piano movement

  • Blüthner Piano at PIPPA 2025

    At PIPPA 2025 with the very tall Christian Blüthner, heir and President of the German Blüthner Piano legacy, founded in 1863 in Leipzig, Saxony. My dad had a Blüthner grand piano when he was a boy in Berlin.

    Christian asked me if I wanted him to sit down for this photo, however, I love the contrast in our heights so I declined. Why would we play the same width of piano keys?

  • PIPPA 2025

    Piano Industry Professionals & Producers Affiliated President, Basilios Strmec, is spearheading business in China and the USA with the Hailun 6.0 My Size Keys Piano and the wonderful PIPPA event, bringing over 150 industry professionals together.

    Here is Mr. Strmec giving David Steinbuhler a Lifetime Achievement Award for David’s tireless work at DS Standard, a stretto keyboard manufacturing and retrofitting company which also has a foundation supporting learning institutions.

  • Reyburn Pianoworks

    Reyburn Piano Works’ Dean Reyburn, right, with his wife Marty, son Nate & Hannah. Reyburn Piano Works stretto keyboards are now available for retrofit for existing pianos.

    Reyburn Piano Works had a booth at PIPPA 2025 showcasing its new stretto keyboards.

    Contact Dean or Hannah to order a stretto piano keyboard for any existing grand in any country.

We’re excited to share updates about the upcoming Fifth Annual International Stretto Piano Festival, scheduled for October 1-15, 2025. Our efforts to promote "stretto" narrow-key pianos are gaining momentum. Rhonda Boyle, our International Liaison, and our team work together closely to support performance opportunities that are shifting the perception of stretto pianos for the good, inspiring manufacturers and artists everywhere to give people of all sizes instruments they love to play and that truly fit their hands.

Key Points:

  • We are seeking international co-presenters for live concerts of any size in October 2025. If interested, please reach out to collaborate and enhance our global media presence by hosting a stretto concert in your city. info.strettopianofestival@gmail.com

  • We invite artists to connect with us to play for this event and will respond as soon as we can. Your patience is appreciated with the growing interest in stretto pianos. info.strettopianofestival@gmail.com

  • Our team is working on advanced streaming solutions to optimize online concert experiences, with more details coming soon.

  • We are grateful for the growing support from artists and manufacturers and encourage donations to support festival activities and promote stretto pianos worldwide.

We cannot bring the festival to its highest level of professionalism, exposure, and functionality without your support!

Please spread the word for small and major philanthropic donations to everyone you know in the piano world. The more people who understand our mission and support us financially, the more concerts we can produce. Our concerts continue to serve as premiere showrooms, allowing audiences to try stretto pianos after concerts. We plan to support all our artists and manufacturers in every way that we can as we grow.

If ten friends donate as little as $25, another piano can be tuned for our global artists. Donations of $1000 and up can move pianos, hire artists, rent halls, and much more. Donations are tax-deductible in the USA only at this time.

We have produced over 100 concerts with our global affiliates and artists since 2018. Highlights of our growing media coverage reached 2.5 million viewers on Spectrum News NYC in 2023, and 12 million on NPR Radio 2024. There is much more to come.

Help us create more live, in-person events in 2025 adding to 2024's 17 live events with artists from four continents, plus the dozens of live and remote events over 6 years.


Operating under the Stretto Piano Events banner gives solidarity and unity to the movement of performers via our nonprofit 501c3 status. This is a powerful way to attract media attention and momentum. We are planning concerts, lectures, competitions, and more festivals for upcoming years as a nonprofit, all benefiting pianists who want stretto pianos and giving pianists everywhere a choice of key size.

We are the premiere marketing platform for stretto pianos, unique in the world, and we thank you for recognizing the importance of unity.

Our power will multiply as we work together as a global team.

FYI: “Stretto” is a generic term encompassing any piano of any make and era that has narrower than conventional 6.5-inch-octave keys. Chosen for the festival’s inaugural 2021 season, suggested by the brilliant Dr. Carol Leone (SMU Meadows School of the Arts), “stretto” was voted in by our three Co-Artistic Directors of the festival at that time as a word describing the life-changing instruments now becoming a new standard.

Hannah Reimann Innovations, Inc. has continued to receive inquiries from people wanting newly built stretto pianos and retrofits for over 30 years, since she was a student. After many years of hard work with other pioneers and colleagues, working closely with manufacturers behind the scenes while maintaining her career as an artist, she is thrilled that she can now help anyone own a stretto piano. Featured on the front page of the Wall Street Journal for rebuilding her piano independently in 1997, Hannah applauds the global stretto movement and all the pioneers who continue to make a difference.

Please contact Hannah at her business email for further inquiries if you want a stretto piano. Your patience is appreciated as she balances multiple roles and as she continues to work with manufacturers to satisfy the growing demand. reimann.musicandfilm@gmail.com

Best regards,

Hannah Reimann Innovations, Inc.

Stretto Piano Events 501c3